- Genre:
- Tags:
- Tracks:10
- Length:01:01:41
- Bpm:118-144
An ambient and chillout album.
Track 1: New track made for the Lavendel album.
Track 2: Recorded for naviarhaiku409 – darkness
Track 3: Recorded for naviarhaiku411 – no sooner
Track 4: Track previously named "Laughs Will Brighten Your Day"
Track 5: Recorded for naviarhaiku402 – How cool cut hay smells
Track 6: Recorded for naviarhaiku415 – A cool breeze blowing
Track 7: Track was previously named "Think Of The Sprouts"
Track 8: Recorded for Disquiet Junto Project 0520: On the Clock
Track 9: Recorded for naviarhaiku410 – red camellia
Track 10: Recorded for naviarhaiku416 – Snow fallen onto
Composed and Mastered by Seramind
Cover by: NadjaGalina.ART: www.instagram.com/NadjaGalina.ART/