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Digital Single
Includes high-quality mp3, wav & flac downloads.

I am always looking for sounds to manipulate. Most of the time it doesn't matter where they are from, but most of the time I am armed with some form of recording device be it my phone, my Tascam or when using a computer an armed audio grab facility. This was the case one day with an Instagram story. R.N Fox is a New York storyteller, an excellent virtual tour guide to the city an artist and radio presenter on WMFU whether that is intentional or not and a great raconteur. Her adventures are usually interesting.

Her latest adventure was different. A careworn explanation of how she had managed to break her ribs. There was something in the careworn delivery that just seemed to fit musically with the idea of a dance track, it doesn't/shouldn't make sense but it works. Maybe that's the way the best ideas work. I built the track and got permission and here we are.

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