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Digital Single
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Mid 80s Skinny Puppyish Dark Industrial 60 BPM track with lush pads and pounding beats!!!!

Main: EQ Tube Emulation N-Type Console PC76 U-Type Compressor FX:

BPM: 60

Samples: Sinematic - Sub Sonic Bass Drops_15

Instruments: VirusTi2: 1 HolyVrs JL 2 Q-Trek RS1 3 Award 43r 4 Arp9

Digitakt: Bank 10 Pattern 7 Topcrotch 4-5-6-7-8 FX: In Box

Wavestate: RAP - Playful Arps RS1 FX: In Box Sonitus Delay-Dark and Long

Behringer D: R Distortion 1.5 FX: Main

Behringer Neutron: L Static Sound FX: Main

K2000VX: 01 448 Dissonance 02 640 Guitar Shapes CS FX Main

Native Instruments:

Kontakt: 01 8Dio Hybrid Dark Prophecy-Divination Visions/Dark Church/Inside The Cell[Stack] FX: In App 02 8Dio Hybrid Neo - Hits & Pulse FX Pulses/Organic Blasts/Blasts FX: In App

Kontakt 2: 01 Ashlight - Abandoned Quarry FX: In App 02 Thrill: Ambient Spheres FX: In App 03 Arkhis: Beneath The Ice FX: In App

Kontakt 3: 8Dio Silka - Madness Cluster FX: VX-64 Vocal Strip PC4K S-Type N-Type Console

Maschine MK3 Damage FX: SuperCharger GT: Renigade Drums FX: In App Main: EQ N-Type Console

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