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EBM track with break beats and binaural audio! Hard driving sequenced synth lines and crafty hooks keep you in the groove while ethereal synth pads float over the top of the tune providing the contradiction[s] in this track!

Tech: DJ RENIGADE ASCAP# 1088695008

Original Publisher RENIGADECINETRAX ASCAP# 1088694896

The ASCAP Work ID: 928399970

Title: Embrace The Contradictions

Theme: EBM

DAW: Ableton Live 12 Suite

Master Channel: Glue Compressor

Main FX: Reverb Delay dearVR Pro 2 Youlean Loudness Meter

Hardware: Virus Ti2 Arturia MicroFreak Software: XFER OTT Dune 3.3 Falcon 3 BT Phobos Antiquarian Echo

Controllers: s88mk1 K2000VX LinnStrument 128

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