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Leg Puppy
London, United Kingdom

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South Londons Leg Puppy are the biggest act in the world called Leg Puppy. Sometimes solo and often a collaborative project

The electropsych multi-disciplinary outfit, offer a satirical attack on the modern world, with Selfie Stick (Narcissistic Prick), Twit Machine T12 & Your profile is dope

The outfit released their 7th album Feel the Fear and Do it Anyway to critical acclaim.

"A celebration of alternative culture and voices." Louder than War

"Leg Puppy are George Orwell's house band " Joyzine UK

The album The air in Utopia is poison was released in 2021 followed by XMIRE (Gnoomes Remix) a collaboration with Gnoomes

They are known for their excellent stunts including 2020's A Guide to Social Distancing tour, with no venues to showcase the album, they went on a solo tour of London laundrettes, playing to 1 fan per show. 1 fan even managed to get a full service wash

Back in 2017, Leg Puppy invited an unknown black midi to play at The Windmill Brixton, while they were busy taking over the world, Leg Puppy were busy becoming the biggest selling band in the world called Leg Puppy

They also collaborated with Swedish Grammy nominees Josefin Öhrn + The Liberation on Secret friend (Radio edit)

Their live shows have been compared to Suicide meets The KLF

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