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Tbilisi, Georgia

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stereoDecor is electronic music producer, mixing engineer, techno DJ and 2D animator / rigger (Moho).

I love electronic music and can't imagine my life without it. I listen to music a lot, compose it myself, mix (as mixing engineer) and from time to time "spin" music as a DJ (since 1995). To me DJing is a fascinating game in which I intricately influence and tease the sense of rhythm of the people around me, help them to overcome their shyness and get them involved into the coherent collective movement of their bodies and souls, let them self-express in a dance. It's a form of a very powerful and mutually inductable energy exchange. Many years ago I've found that for me a classic, non commercial Techno and some kinds of music with sophisticated broken rhythms are the most suitable tools for such an exciting interaction. I purposely create under the same alias in a wide variety of more 'accessible' music sub-genres, on my mission to introduce true Techno to a wider audience.

Today's real, pure Techno, despite its futuristic electronic sounds, is essentially close to the most ancient form of music, consisting only of percussion sounds, organized into complex rhythms, intertwining and flowing around each other. Long before our distant ancestors invented melodies, they discovered the magic of collaborative rhythmic noise making as the perfect accompaniment for the dance. That's why true Techno is so infectiously danceable — it appeals to our ancient sense of rhythm and to the need for unity with the Tribe.

Also I edit promotional or music videos for YouTube, Instagram and other socials, animate various 2D graphics: logos, posters, intros for YouTube channels, educational, explanatory, entertaining short movies with expressive 2D+ cartoon characters.

I love to connect to likeminded people, you can send me a message via socials or use contact form on my website

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