Background image
Digital EP
Includes high-quality mp3, wav & flac downloads.

Side A

0.00 : 08-19-23

3.04 : the great american story

4.24 : a hero is only a hero among non-heroes

6.46 : #manic!manic!purplepanic @thedisco

9.08 : bullet proof best

11.02 : foolsgold st.

12.52 : don't worry the sun will come around again just like it has for a litterally billions of years

14.08 : nebraska has no oceans

15.25 : my dearest friends how art thou this fine evening

15.59 : just me my soul and i

17.33 : scars are the real world tattoos

19.14 : manufractured miracles

21.25 : smoking a fag and pretending that im actually happy when really im just stoned (and yes i just said fag get over it)

22.49 : 'merican youth

25.03 : the waltz of life

26.45 : please come home after dark

29.13 : a song about a rando

Side B

0.00 : m friend named john doe

1.18 : a kid with depression and a dash of adhd

3.26 : a kid dancing at sunset

5.32 : i ain't no son of a punk im the son of a goddamn legend

7.39 : i'll be there when you can't be

9.35 : the darkerside of me (ask me sometime what villian inspired this song)

12.17 : reason to fly

14.27 : an american christmas

16.10 : folkpunk politics

17.56 : a few too many beers on a monday night

20.54 : tinder post covid

23.28 : netflix and chill

24.55 : BONUS TREK

On The Hour : there will be a day bUy ThIs AlBuM aNd YoU wIlL bE lIkE gOd

00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 FINE PRINT If anyone shalt purchase this album for $6.66 thus shall henceforth mark the beginning of the tribulation and those who paid $6.66 for this art piece will be commanded to go swim in a big ass lake that I will promptly light on fire.

  • The Artist