- Genre:
- Tags:
- Tracks:9
- Length:50:54
- Bpm:90-146
Press Quote Drifting, Almost Falling: "Utilising space, silence, electroacoustic frameworks and tones, rand take minimal piano notes and re-purpose them into a sound world that has an eerie and slightly ominous feel."
For fans of: Nils Frahm, Alva Noto & Ryuichi Sakamoto, Bing & Ruth, Erased Tapes, Harold Budd ...
video Hoola by Cosimo Miorelli tinyurl.com/hoola-video
Concert Pianist Jan Gerdes and Minimal Techno Producer Dr.Nojoke Join Forces as “rand” to Release Debut Album Peripherie
For four years rand have been working on a fusion of the acoustic and electronic sound worlds and now present their debut album Peripherie, nine tracks on CD, seven on vinyl, recorded live with no overdubs in 2019 at Berlin's Chez-Cherie Studios then mixed and mastered by Andrea Cichecki. For the recordings, Jan Gerdes had three pianos at his fingertips. The pieces were created partly through improvisational processes during rehearsals, partly based on piano compositions by Jan Gerdes.
In Peripherie, the atmospheres of the tracks are characterized by zones of musical events away from the conventional limelight, in which diffused things happen, musical elements emulsify, clear things dissolve, are covered up or stand abruptly and harshly next to others. Peripherie focuses on musical edges that blur in a fluid indeterminacy and let sharp lines become a wide ocean; piano and electronics embark on a journey between being free and being lost, between detachment and connection.
rand have released EPs "I" and "II" on Bandcamp, two one-hour music improvisation in the POOLcast series of The POOL Berlin collective and contributed a track to the sampler "I hope this finds you well in these strange times Vol. 4" on the London-based label Nonclassical, Peripherie represents the next step on the international stage.