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Adam Carling
Nancy, France

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Adam Carling born in France in 1974 has been producing, remixing and DJing for the last 25 years, specifically pushing the Techno sound and in its existence had the pleasure of producing and releasing tracks.

As time has progressed over the years Adam has found himself DJing at many clubs & bars across France up to around 2002 when he decided to spend more time on his producing. Adam has since had a revive in his beat mixing ability’s and has released Podcasts and tracks on worlwide labels.

• COD3 QR • Corrupt System • Anecdote Records • BLC Recordings • Bonzaï Back Catalogue • CZ Code • Ibiza Boys • Newra Records • ANALOGMusiq • Nice and Nasty • Frequency Shift Recordings • Superordinate Music • Spectral Dimension Records • EP Digital music • Kopok • Insectorama • Luna The Cat • Cancelled • Techno Parade • Jazzy Butterfly Records • DasNet Recordings

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