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Digital Album
Includes high-quality mp3, wav & flac downloads.

The Ghosts of Handsome Skin (GOHS) is a set of songs inspired by Pablo D'Stair's prose/poetry with an acute focus on anxiety, projection, and isolation.

"I wanted to bring out the dramatic nature of a person's inner thoughts, with emotional peaks and valleys accentuated by the music," says pgf. On track 2, "Disquieted," a person torments themself over learning the motives of an acquaintance, "There's something unhealthy in the proposition / Or at least there is something that should be considered unhealthy"; the text gradually tears away at the music's stately plod until the tune is unrecognizable.

GOHS includes unreleased material from 2012 recording sessions with engineer/co-producer, Eamonn Aiken (Inner Ear Studios, The Bastille) in Rockville, Maryland, and related demos. credits released March 8, 2023

Cover artwork by Anastasia Zhilina (knife_kit)

Lettering by D

"Only When I Notice" and "Disquieted" recorded and co-produced by Eamonn Aiken at the bellflur warehouse in Rockville, MD

Songs based on repurposed prose work of Pablo D'Stair, except for "Window" and "Cattle" which are settings of their poetry
