- Genre:
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- Tracks:2
- Length:11:01
- Bpm:130
Lyrics: Such a place with the horror, Came through from the pandemic, And destroyed by the nuclear.
I came back to this city,to my home. Opened the door through the rotten plants. Once again I see it again.
My tears fell down in my gasmask, blinded my vision,took me back to the time. I can not help shaking my body, Can not let go,inside.
I, finally came back, I will burn down,this whole abandoned city, This is my hometown but I had to erase it all, All the evidences would be destoy by my hands.
Everybody is loosing their minds, They said it's time to say good bye. We board on our ship, And we drive,we drive away.
I,I took the order, To clean everything,until nothing to show, I, starting to pray. All the documents and the records hag gone away.