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Punk Snabb
Lisbon, Portugal

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I am just one of you, one like you, like everyone else. I am as special as you are. Born somewhere, somehow, cold grey morning, outskirts of nowhere. I'm the son of a lady who couldn't care less about her baby. Never seen my precious father - just a story like many others... Entered politics, found myself surrounded by a bunch of corrupt liars, scoundrels and lobbyists - a few good human beings there, not many. Music became my refuge, my holy grail. Found peace writing lyrics and composing. We are meaningless, deception is everywhere. Some say humans are probably the worst species on Earth, that we should be pulverized. Am I human? Are you? Maybe the characters on tele are, maybe not. Am I a musician or a writer? It really doesn't matter who I am, who you are. I believe we can do better, much, much better. I believe in you and me, if we shift our focus miracles will happen. Have faith in yourself, have faith in mankind. Let music fill your soul and sing, shout, dance. Embrace life and happiness.

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