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Light Dreams
Kalush, Ukraine

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Light Dreams is a live electronica/chillout/liquid dnb Duo, based in Ukraine.  Since the creation of the band, the musicians have toured extensively, participating in major Ukrainian and foreign festivals, from time to time creating collaborations with other musicians and bands.  Band successfully manifesting itself at such major festivals as Koktebel Jazz Festival, Leopolis Jazz Festival, Atlas Weekend, Gogol Fest, and Vibronica Music Festival. For all period Light Dreams released 5 EP ('Faces of Nature', 'Time for Spring', 'Moonlight' , 'The Trip' and ‘X-mas Eve’), one live album 'Support Ukraine' as well as the joint album "Escape from Nebula" in collaboration with musicians from Latvia and Spain. Now, during the invasion of Ukraine by Russian troops, we continue to make music and share positive energy with our listeners around the world.

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