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In 2019, just after the release of [NDR001] "Embrace Your Hell" a concept was born between the minds of 6head_Slug & Tyrant X. "Catalyst Of Cataclysm". The idea was that through the sounds we would create a catalysis of original thought and archetypal imagery, futher invoking a psychological cataclysm that would put people on a path to higher understanding of worlds, contexts and ideas they were yet to perceive.

With The release of [NDR003] i am introducing the first installment in the catalyst of cataclysm series. Spread over 25 Minutes with thoroughly extrapolated prologues and epilogues, this mammoth production has skewed past the tangent of conventional forms to give way to a pure aural listening experience that actively engages the listener.

re·​vanch·​ist | \ rə-ˈväⁿ-shist "Manifestation of the will" "A spirit of revenge moving a defeated collective to aggressively heal its unconscious wounds" "One mans courageous self defence born of self determination is anothers nostalgic revanchist"

Tech.n.archy -archy goes with concentration of power in a single person (an archon)

Nethercords proudly presents to you in all its unknown splendor..Revanchist Technarchy [NDR003]

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