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  • Title:
    Memories / Summer Blues
  • Release Date:
    05 Jan 24
  • Label:
  • Artists:
  • Cat no:
  • Genre:
  • Tags:
  • Tracks:
  • Length:
  • Bpm:

Originally from the UK and currently making waves from Denmark, CELO stands as a rising force in the drum and bass scene, garnering support from influential platforms like Skank & Bass and Hospital Records.

CELO's latest release, "Memories / Summer Blues," is a testament to the artist's ability to bridge the past and present. Evoking the timeless allure of old-school sounds, these classic CELO tracks carry a modern twist, inviting listeners on a nostalgic journey. With a touch of the long-awaited summer, the release captures the essence of warmer days and delivers a sonic remedy for those yearning for both the past and the sun-soaked days ahead.

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