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Digital Album
Includes high-quality mp3, wav & flac downloads.

These songs (if they can be called that) are a collection of files cultivated from the wasteland that is my iMac’s hard drive. They are born from me sitting down in front of an ever evolving collection of modular and Eurorack synthesizers, drum machines, samplers, guitars, hardware and software effects, etc… and tinkering.

The album title comes from my need to occasionally clean house and organize my workspace. I recently sat down on a few different occasions and went through dozens of recordings I had made over the last 5 or so years, and out of those many, many files, these are the few that I deemed to be complete(ish) enough to assemble into a collection that we’ll call for the sake of argument, an album.

Now that I had a collection of tracks, I needed a name to release them under. I decided to rehash a moniker that I have not used in a long time, “The Selective Pedestrian”. This was the name I used to release tracks years ago on my SoundCloud account. The name comes from my younger days, when I was an avid cyclist. I would always obey traffic signals and laws, like a good cyclist, unless it was easier for me to become a pedestrian say at a busy intersection where I would just use a crosswalk to avoid getting run down by some late-for-work commuter paying more attention to their phone or their latte than the road. I also like that the word ”pedestrian” has the alternate meaning “Lacking Inspiration; dull”. I’ve never considered myself a serious musician, and this seemed appropriate for the content I was creating.

Anyway, if you’ve downloaded this, I thank you and hope that you get some enjoyment out of it. My expectations that it will become a big hit are pretty low. I’ll consider it a success if one person listens to it and has a moment or two where they think “Oh, that was interesting”.

*** All proceeds from this will go to the local animal rescue that I adopted one of my dogs from.

Enjoy! Dan

17 track album